Nýr framkvæmdastjóri FAI

Susanne Schödel er nýr framkvæmdastjóri FAI og hefur störf 1. mars 2014. Hún er Þjóðverji og með reynslu af flugi, stjórnun og pólitík. Susanne er þekkt svifflugkona og hefur unnið til verðlauna á heimsvísu í svifflugi.

Við látum fylgja með tilkynningu frá Alþjóðlegu Flugmálasamtökunum:

Schödel is a world-class glider pilot, member of the German National Gliding from 2004 to 2013, twice winner of the FAI Women’s World Gliding championships in 2009 and 2011 and holder of several gliding records. She is also a volunteer for several organisations such as the Dr. Angelika Machinek association which supports young female pilots in gliding.

In addition to her activities in aviation, she has held several positions in non-profit making organisations, including that of executive director at the Susan G. Komen Society for the Cure of Breast Cancer, thus gaining a wide-ranged knowledge of administrative matters and extensive experience in the management of volunteers and staff. Moreover, she is well-versed in the intricacies of politics after working for several years for the Ministry of Social Affairs in Hessen, Germany.

“I am very much looking forward to joining the FAI as Secretary General in March. I can contribute my expertise in the management of non-profit organisations as well as my knowledge of air sports in general and gliding in particular. It will be a pleasure for me to work with all stakeholders of the FAI and to ensure a good strategy and structure of the whole federation,” Schödel said.

Svifflugfélag Íslands óskar henni til hamingju með starfið og við minnum á að þið megið gjarnan senda á okkur fréttir sem tengjast svifflugi.
